Laminated Paper Towel, An Artwork

Very good Artwork.

I, Mike McFarland, have made one Artwork for the people.

This piece, like many great works, was born of struggle and hope. It stands against the tide of tyranny and lives to tell the tale. It represents all people - future and past - while reminding us that the present is a place for beauty, faith, and devotion.

I laminated a paper towel and wrote “art.” on it.

My process was simple. I glanced up while browsing Twitter and saw a roll of paper towels.

“Are paper towels art?” I asked myself. “No,” I answered.

“But can they be art?”

“They can be art. One will be.”

I unrolled the entire roll to find the single sheet that was brave enough to become an Artwork. I found it and threw other sheets into a hole I dug in the forest with my bare hands. I covered it up and slept upon it, for they were not art. They were nothing.

My process continued in the fashion of other great artists - mysterious and important.

Finally, the Artwork emerged to inspire the world and sell at an auction. I am a great Artist and you can buy a piece of my existence.

Please send all serious offers to


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